Saturday, July 24, 2010

Don't Acts, Don't Tell, Part VII: Acts, Chapters 11 - 14

Part VII of my "Don't Acts, Don't Tell" Series.
  • Chapter 11, Verses 1 - 18: Peter, under the influence of Satan, who has been masquerading as an angel of light, hoodwinks "the circumcised believers" in Jerusalem. Jesusianism is corrupted from the very beginning, by the very rock upon which Jesus founded his church. Seems far worse than anything Judas ever did. Such a sad story.
  • Chapter 12
    • Verses 7 - 10: An angel of the Lord springs Peter from jail. Odd that all the angel can do is to shine some light and make the chains fall off of Peter's wrists. Peter has to dress himself, and then he has to take a fairly long walk into the city. The angel finally abandons him, apparently without warning. Why fool around with all this human activity? Philip was teleported to Azotus; why couldn't Peter have been teleported? Why couldn't the same power that caused the light in the cell and caused the chains to fall from Peter's wrists also have caused him to be dressed immediately? Probably because this was not an angel of the Lord, but rather a demon. Turns out that Jesus had abandoned Peter as soon as Peter started listening to voices in his head that disagreed with the racism that Jesus had so carefully taught him. 
    • Verses 22 - 23: Herod is called a god by his former enemies, and because he "did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died." I wonder why God didn't strike Herod down when he had all those infants in Bethlehem killed. Since God knew that Herod was going to fail to praise it, then why did it allow Herod to be born at all? At the same time, I wonder why Herod was singled out so. I wonder why God didn't send his angels to strike down child molesters and rapists. This god is pretty fucking vain.
  • Chapter 13, Verse 48: "...all who were appointed for eternal life believed." Disgusting.
  • Chapter 14
    • Verse 2: The Jews who refused to believe poisoned the minds of the Gentiles. Now why would infinitely loving God allow this to happen? I suppose that those Gentiles whose minds had been poisoned had not been appointed for eternal life.
    • Verse 3: The Lord confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to do miraculous signs and wonders. I've addressed this before, but it bears repeating at least once: if you were sick or paralyzed, and someone said to you, "Be healed in the name of Odin," and you were healed, would you convert to Odinism? Perhaps not, because you're so steeped in Jesusianism that you'd assume that this was some Satanic power. If someone instead said, "Be healed in the name of Jesus," and you were healed, would you assume that this person's words carried more weight than those of the average schmoe?
    • Verse 4: "The people of the city were divided" over whether Paul and Barnabas were really from God. Why? If they saw these miraculous signs and wonders, why did they still doubt? Perhaps it's because there were no miraculous signs and wonders. Perhaps there were MSWs but many reasonable people were not convinced by displays of miraculous power, given that they also believe in the supernatural power of demons and were not so arrogant as to believe that they could distinguish between demonic power and godly power.
    • Verse 17: "...[God] has not left himself without testimony. He has shown you kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons. He provides you with plenty of food..." Now which god are we talking about here? Isn't this the same god that sends plagues, famines, earthquakes, tsunamis, war, death? And when it isn't actively sending them, it simply allows them to happen. If we are to infer the testimony of this god by how well we're treated by nature, then we have to assume that this god hates the vast majority of us. Seems like the only humans it has ever loved, out of all the billions that have ever existed, are a few hundred million Westerners born in the 20th and 21st centuries.

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