Watching David Attenborough shows hour after hour, getting really high. As I watch these wild animals going through their motions, I try to imagine what their inner lives might be like. A lemur eating a big, fat moth might feel an ecstasy like when I take a big bite of chocolate cake. A buck smashing his head against another's in a battle for females might feel the thrill of battle mixed with sexual lust. The band of howler monkeys singing their deafening chorus and performing outrageous threat displays against other bands might feel something like a mix of racial pride in their band and racial hatred toward all others.
(As I watch this particular frenzy, somewhat anthropomorphizing these crazed primates and thinking about how foolish they look, it occurs to me that there is one feeling that none of these animals would ever feel: shame. I wonder what it must be like to live a life driven by one's deepest passions, often most disagreeable passions such as hunger and fear, but never, ever to feel shame.)
The seal trying to escape the shark must feel a little bit of fear, but overall it must feel thrilled and and extremely, intensely focused. It cannot afford to feel panic. Panic causes emotional and creative shutdown. In a panic, one would immediately make mistakes or miss opportunities and be eaten right away. The only way to stay alive would be to really, really enjoy the experience at some level. Perhaps one would feel most alive when looking death right in the mouth like that.
I wonder about the pain a prey animal must feel. Some predators seem not to want the hassle of out-muscling their victims, and go for a quick kill. Many others rely on overpowering or tiring out their prey. When the end comes, it comes very slowly while the killers literally eat their prey alive. I wonder whether those dying animals feel pain. I think about the discomfort I feel when I try to hold my breath for a long time. I think about how long that discomfort would last if I were to deliberately strangle myself. I think about how long the dying wildebeest feels the lions tearing its muscles away from the bone. And I think about how it will feel to be in hell, unable to die.
I realize that it doesn't matter how long the pain lasts, and it doesn't matter whether the wildebeest can take the pain. It doesn't matter whether I can take the pain. The word unbearable is a terrible lie. It implies that suffering has a limit, though it has none. Suffering happens, no matter what. Whether it is more than I can take is fucking irrelevant. It can be more than I can take, it can be far, far more. That's a terrifying realization.
There seems to be no consensus, but I am alarmed and sickened by the number of you who believe that 7-year-old kids can go to hell, to burn in agony, for all eternity, with no hope of dying or escaping. This makes me sick to my stomach.
Obviously, those of you who already think that there will be 7-year-olds in hell, you've figured out a way to love that god anyway. I have to say, you people are monsters.
But those of you who don't see 7-year-olds there: what if it's true? Would you still love God if, on judgment day, you saw him throwing 7-year-olds into the fire? Would you still praise him 24/7 for eternity? I ask because if I'm going to hate you people, I want it to be for a truthful reason; I don't want to invent a reason for hating you. Think I'm ugly for using the word hate? Try really, really imagining a 7-year-old burning in fire, not even able to burn to death, just screaming and flailing and begging for mercy, like I did when I was a little kid being tortured.
Do you have the courage to face what your god will do at the judgment? Those of you who have never seen or experienced genuine suffering, I bet you won't have the nerve. When you get there, and see me being thrown in, I challenge you to remember this post. You don't realize that you're hiding behind the most disgusting version of the Nuremberg Defense that ever existed.
Answer from "Rene O", appallingly chosen by the Answers community as the best answer!
Only those who reject Jesus go to Hell. If a 7 year old rejects Jesus, sure, they, too can go to Hell. God knows our heats and they are evil!
Note that this was so horrifying that I thought that "Rene O" must be joking. I double-checked with her personally. She really believes this. I cannot believe that anyone would follow such a god.
Answer from "Red"
who cares what you think? who are you? god is the judge, a just and loving god who created everyone and he says he'll judge rightfully and fairly. i trust him and his judgment. what you have to say and think aint didlysquat
Answer from "cloudyskys3841"
Well, I don't believe in God. But IF I did, and I saw that, I would choose to go to Hell. I wouldn't want to be in Heaven if that kinda stuff happened up in there.Answer from "cloudyskys3841"
You are forgetting, God knew us before we were born
He knows who is going to accept him, he is all knowing
You have to be able to accept the fact, that he is in control and knows best
Finally, a sane answer from "<3"
He knows who is going to accept him, he is all knowing
You have to be able to accept the fact, that he is in control and knows best
Finally, a sane answer from "<3"